Thanks to the Green Pass, travelling in Europe is easier. As of 1 July 2021 , the Ministry of Health certification is valid as Eu Digital Covid Certificate .
This means that you can visit all EU and Schengen countries without being subject to quarantine. You can also access events, care facilities and geographical areas with restrictions.
Let's go into detail by answering some of the most frequently asked questions about what the Green Pass is and how it works.
What is the Green Pass?
The Green Pass is the European certificate that allows you to travel in all EU and Schengen countries without the need for quarantine. It is issued by the Ministry of Health through a special online platform, and contains a Qr code that is used to verify its authenticity and validity. In addition to travel, the pass can be used to attend public events, weddings and parties and to enter nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It also allows you to enter and leave red or orange zone areas.
How do I obtain the Green Pass?
It is available 14 days after the second dose of the vaccine, in Italy also from the first. But be careful: with a single dose of vaccine you can only travel freely in Italy, while to travel in EU countries and the Schengen area you must have had your second 14-day dose. In the case of Janssen, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the 14-day period runs from the single dose.
One can also get a Green Pass by taking a molecular or antigenic swab 48 hours before departure, if the test result is negative, of course. Self-diagnostic tests are not valid: the swab must be taken
Those with Covid-19 are entitled to green certification for six months after recovery.
Which vaccines are accepted?
All vaccines that have obtained authorisations from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Aifa, the Italian Medicines Agency. They therefore currently qualify for the Green Pass:
- Vaxzevria from AstraZeneca
- Modern
- Comirnaty of Pfizer-BioNTech
- Janssen of Johnson & Johnson.
Those who have been vaccinated with a first dose of AstraZeneca and a second dose of another licensed vaccine will still get the Green Pass.
How do I download the Green Pass?
The procedure is very simple. Anyone who gets vaccinated, recovers from Covid or undergoes a swab with a negative result receives a notification about the availability of the pass directly from the Ministry of Health, by sms or email. Upon receiving the notification, simply go to and enter the required personal data, plus the code received by sms or email from the Ministry. You will then be able to download the Green Pass in digital or paper format.
Alternatively, it is also possible to
- download the pass from the IO app
- request it from your general practitioner or paediatrician
- collect it from a pharmacy by presenting your health card.
The official contact channel for more information is the toll-free number 800 91 24 91.
What information does the Green Pass contain?
The Green Pass only contains the necessary information:
- personal data
- person who issued the certificate
- unique identifier of the certificate
- date and type of vaccine, plus the number of doses received
- for those who received the pass by swabbing: type of test, date, time, place and result of the test
- for those who have had the Covid: date of the positive test result and period of validity of the pass.
Can children also get the Green Pass?
Yes. The EMA has started administering Pfizer to children between the ages of 12 and 15. Children aged 6 and under can also obtain the pass by swabbing or certifying recovery from Covid. Children under 6 are also exempt from the test.
Do you have to take the swab even if you are vaccinated to participate in a public competition?
At the moment yes, but consideration is being given to removing this obligation.
Is a green pass compulsory to go to a wedding?
Yes, this has been established in Italy. The same rule also applies to baptisms, communions, confirmations and private parties.