“Study on the economic impact of the development risk clause as provided by Directive 85/374/EEC on liability for defective products”, prepared by the European Commission in order to implement the Directive 85/374/EEC in all European Union Member Coutries and to analyse and review the alternative legal systems of consumers, who have suffered damage as a result of defective products, as with rights protection.
The Bill of Rights for Tourists
The Bill of Rights for Tourists, written within the framework of the General Programme of the Sicilian Region 2009/2010, with the legal advice of the Rosselli Foundation's Centre for Research in Law, Economics and Technology, led by Lawyer Alessandro Palmigiano, an expert in the sector, illustrates in simple and comprehensible language, without technicalities but with extreme rigour, what the rights of citizen-tourists are in all areas of interest: from air transport to maritime or rail transport, from organised trips to insurance policies, from timeshare to health care.