dic 12, 2022

A Codice Fiscale is essentially a government identification number that consists of a series of 16 alphanumeric characters that represents an individual’s name, gender, date of birth, and place of birth. It is similar to Social Security Number (USA) or to National Insurance Number (U.K.), a Codice Fiscale is used to govern most financial transactions within Italy. 

Codice Fiscale is used to:

  • Rent a home
  • Apply for a mortgage
  • Purchase property
  • Open a bank account
  • Inheritance property


The Codice Fiscale can always be issued to Italian citizens.

The Codice Fiscale can also be issued to NON-Italian citizens, but only for some specific purpose, such as paying Italian taxes, or fulfill a specific administrative or legal procedure in Italy, and cannot be issued for unspecified or future needs.

If you are NOT an Italian citizen, and you need a Codice Fiscale to rent or purchase a real estate property in Italy, our lawyers can assist you 

The only way to get Italian fiscal code fastly  is to ask your Italian lawyer  to request the Codice Fiscale on your behalf at a local Office of the Agenzia delle Entrate; you might need to send  specific Power of Attorney (Delega) for this task

Our assistance 

As lawyers, we are fully qualified to serve as your representative, handling your application with the Agenzia delle Entrate on your behalf 

For more informationS, feel free to contact us:

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