
by admin 29 December 2016
Regulation (EC) No. 261 of 11 February 2004 renewed the Community rules on denied boarding, cancellation and delays in air transport, substantially strengthening the protection of travelling passengers both in terms of financial compensation and in terms of assistance by the carrier.
by admin 29 December 2016
In cases where the user is unable, through a complaint, to resolve a problem that has arisen in the relationship with the provider of electronic communication services, he can, of course, initiate litigation with the operator to safeguard his claims. However, in the telecommunications sector, an attempt at conciliation is mandatory before taking legal action.
by admin 29 December 2016
“La Sicilia racconta: 7 anni di Giurisprudenza del Consumatore" is a guide for the consumer in the main issues of consumer law, starting with the pronouncements of the Sicilian courts from 2008 to 2015, flanking the text of the judgement (reproduced in full), the maxim and a brief summary commentary: a pragmatic approach tending - for the most part - to the solution of application problems.
by admin 25 November 2016
The European Small Claims Procedure (Small Claims Procedure, abbreviated ESCP) is a cross-border legal process introduced by the European Union in 2007, with Regulation EC 861/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which ensures greater judicial cooperation between the Member States in civil and commercial disputes whose value does not exceed two thousand euros.
by palmigiano 22 May 2014
The class action, more commonly known as the class action against the public administration, which came into force in Italy in 2010, allows citizens, individually or in groups, to take action against the administration concerned and public service concessionaires to enforce the principles of efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness or the obligations defined in the Service Charters (for concessionaires). The public class action, unlike the private class action, does not allow for compensation for the damage caused but only the restoration of the efficiency of the public service or the delayed or omitted function. It goes without saying that the main objective of the institute is to induce the public entity or public service concessionaire to adopt virtuous behavior in the management of resources and in relations with users.
by admin 17 December 2013
The project "I protect myself", financed by the Sicilian Region within the framework of the General Programme "Sicily informs consumers". Realisation of a brochure on consumer rights, in the light of national and community legislation. Production of a guide on alternative energy sources and energy saving.
by admin 13 December 2013
“Study on the economic impact of the development risk clause as provided by Directive 85/374/EEC on liability for defective products”, prepared by the European Commission in order to implement the Directive 85/374/EEC in all European Union Member Coutries and to analyse and review the alternative legal systems of consumers, who have suffered damage as a result of defective products, as with rights protection. The Bill of Rights for Tourists The Bill of Rights for Tourists, written within the framework of the General Programme of the Sicilian Region 2009/2010, with the legal advice of the Rosselli Foundation's Centre for Research in Law, Economics and Technology, led by Lawyer Alessandro Palmigiano, an expert in the sector, illustrates in simple and comprehensible language, without technicalities but with extreme rigour, what the rights of citizen-tourists are in all areas of interest: from air transport to maritime or rail transport, from organised trips to insurance policies, from timeshare to health care.
by admin 14 November 2013
The study, realised by the Palmigiano law firm, in collaboration with the Rosselli Foundation, analyses the Urban Police Regulation of the Municipality of Palermo, highlighting its strong points and critical areas, in order to offer, in a positive way, elements for debate and reflection for a hypothesis of modernisation and review of the text. The document is divided into four parts: the first is descriptive in nature, reporting the definition of Urban Police Regulations and the structuring of the text in the Municipality of Palermo; the second deals with the detailed analysis of the regulations, distinguishing between obsolete regulations, inapplicable names and curious ones; the third notes some of the strengths of the text and emphasises examples of good practice in other municipalities; and finally, the fourth reports the conclusions and proposals of the research group. Research Group Alessandro Palmigiano - Coordinator and Researcher Dr. Rosa Guttuso - Researcher
by admin 14 November 2013
The Project "Sicilia informa", financed by the Sicilian Region in the framework of the General Programme "Sicily informs consumers". Collection of EU, national and regional legislation on consumer protection, with particular attention to the A. D. R. Production of a brochure on conciliation for Sicilian consumers. Production of a collection of the case law of the Sicilian courts on the subject of consumer protection over the last ten years.
by admin 13 November 2013
"Direct and in-house contracts in public service contracts by public administrations", commissioned by Formez for the Department of Public Administration. Direct Entrustments and in House Contracts Direct Entrustments
by admin 29 December 2016
Regulation (EC) No. 261 of 11 February 2004 renewed the Community rules on denied boarding, cancellation and delays in air transport, substantially strengthening the protection of travelling passengers both in terms of financial compensation and in terms of assistance by the carrier.
by admin 29 December 2016
In cases where the user is unable, through a complaint, to resolve a problem that has arisen in the relationship with the provider of electronic communication services, he can, of course, initiate litigation with the operator to safeguard his claims. However, in the telecommunications sector, an attempt at conciliation is mandatory before taking legal action.
by admin 29 December 2016
“La Sicilia racconta: 7 anni di Giurisprudenza del Consumatore" is a guide for the consumer in the main issues of consumer law, starting with the pronouncements of the Sicilian courts from 2008 to 2015, flanking the text of the judgement (reproduced in full), the maxim and a brief summary commentary: a pragmatic approach tending - for the most part - to the solution of application problems.
by admin 25 November 2016
The European Small Claims Procedure (Small Claims Procedure, abbreviated ESCP) is a cross-border legal process introduced by the European Union in 2007, with Regulation EC 861/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which ensures greater judicial cooperation between the Member States in civil and commercial disputes whose value does not exceed two thousand euros.
by palmigiano 22 May 2014
The class action, more commonly known as the class action against the public administration, which came into force in Italy in 2010, allows citizens, individually or in groups, to take action against the administration concerned and public service concessionaires to enforce the principles of efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness or the obligations defined in the Service Charters (for concessionaires). The public class action, unlike the private class action, does not allow for compensation for the damage caused but only the restoration of the efficiency of the public service or the delayed or omitted function. It goes without saying that the main objective of the institute is to induce the public entity or public service concessionaire to adopt virtuous behavior in the management of resources and in relations with users.
by admin 17 December 2013
The project "I protect myself", financed by the Sicilian Region within the framework of the General Programme "Sicily informs consumers". Realisation of a brochure on consumer rights, in the light of national and community legislation. Production of a guide on alternative energy sources and energy saving.
by admin 13 December 2013
“Study on the economic impact of the development risk clause as provided by Directive 85/374/EEC on liability for defective products”, prepared by the European Commission in order to implement the Directive 85/374/EEC in all European Union Member Coutries and to analyse and review the alternative legal systems of consumers, who have suffered damage as a result of defective products, as with rights protection. The Bill of Rights for Tourists The Bill of Rights for Tourists, written within the framework of the General Programme of the Sicilian Region 2009/2010, with the legal advice of the Rosselli Foundation's Centre for Research in Law, Economics and Technology, led by Lawyer Alessandro Palmigiano, an expert in the sector, illustrates in simple and comprehensible language, without technicalities but with extreme rigour, what the rights of citizen-tourists are in all areas of interest: from air transport to maritime or rail transport, from organised trips to insurance policies, from timeshare to health care.
by admin 14 November 2013
The study, realised by the Palmigiano law firm, in collaboration with the Rosselli Foundation, analyses the Urban Police Regulation of the Municipality of Palermo, highlighting its strong points and critical areas, in order to offer, in a positive way, elements for debate and reflection for a hypothesis of modernisation and review of the text. The document is divided into four parts: the first is descriptive in nature, reporting the definition of Urban Police Regulations and the structuring of the text in the Municipality of Palermo; the second deals with the detailed analysis of the regulations, distinguishing between obsolete regulations, inapplicable names and curious ones; the third notes some of the strengths of the text and emphasises examples of good practice in other municipalities; and finally, the fourth reports the conclusions and proposals of the research group. Research Group Alessandro Palmigiano - Coordinator and Researcher Dr. Rosa Guttuso - Researcher
by admin 14 November 2013
The Project "Sicilia informa", financed by the Sicilian Region in the framework of the General Programme "Sicily informs consumers". Collection of EU, national and regional legislation on consumer protection, with particular attention to the A. D. R. Production of a brochure on conciliation for Sicilian consumers. Production of a collection of the case law of the Sicilian courts on the subject of consumer protection over the last ten years.
by admin 13 November 2013
"Direct and in-house contracts in public service contracts by public administrations", commissioned by Formez for the Department of Public Administration. Direct Entrustments and in House Contracts Direct Entrustments
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